Annapurna Scheme

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The Annapurna Scheme provides food security to seniors who are eligible for benefits from the National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS) but have not received them. Every month, the Annapurna Scheme beneficiary will receive "free of charge" 10 kg of food grains. In the years 2000–2001, the Ministry of Rural Development launched the program. This program is part of the National Social Assistance Program, which was started in 1995 to help elderly people, disabled people, widows, and families whose primary breadwinner has died. The Annapurna Scheme's

Goals: Its goal is to provide food security for qualified elderly people who haven't received benefits from the National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS) but still need it.

Elements of the Annapurna Plan:

1. It is dubbed as a scheme for the central sector.

2. This program's primary objective is to provide food assistance.

3. Every month, this program distributes 10 kilograms of food grains to the elderly (those over the age of 65) and the indigent—those who are poor and live on very little to no income.

3. Every month, this program distributes 10 kilograms of food grains to the elderly (those over the age of 65) and the indigent—those who are poor and live on very little to no income.

4. The Indian government set the goal at 2015, or 20% of those eligible for the National Old Age Pension but do not receive it for various reasons.

5. The states can choose who will benefit from the program and how it will be carried out.

6. In accordance with the regulations, the food grains are given to the state governments at BPL rates.

7. The Gram Panchayat issues entitlement cards to the program's beneficiaries, who are selected by the Gram Sabha.

Criteria for Annapurna Scheme

Eligibility: At least 65 years old must be the applicant's age.

The applicant should be living in extreme poverty and not have a regular source of income. Pensioners of the National Old Age Pension Scheme or the State Pension Scheme cannot apply.

Authority for Implementing the Annapurna Scheme:

The implementation of this plan is the responsibility of the State Departments of Food & Civil Supplies (F&CS) at the state level and the District Collector/Chief Executive Officer and Zila Panchayat at the district level. The Gram Panchayats Allocation of Funds for Annapurna Scheme is in charge of disseminating information about how to take advantage of the program: The central government provides funding to the State Departments of Food and Civil Supplies (F&CS) in one lump sum.

After that, the Food Corporation of India (FCI) and the F&CS Department work together to distribute food grains district by district upon direct payment to the FCI offices of the cost of food grains at Central Issue Prices (CIP). The food grains were initially offered at a reasonable price of Rs. 9.80 per kilogram. Food grains, on the other hand, are provided to BPL families at CIP rates (Rs. 4.90 per kilogram) beginning on November 1, 2000.

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