How to Improve your Spelling

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Spelling is important not only for your exams but for framing impressionable writing. Most people think that improving spelling requires memorizing the spelling of individual words or, knowing the spelling rules. Again, I will give you the same example as I have mentioned in my previous blog. Ask yourself the question – “Have I ever observed the rules of spelling Hindi words?” If your answer is “NO” – well then, you have discovered the first rationale way to improve your spelling of English words. To begin with, you must know the general rules of spelling as enumerated below:

1.U is followed by Q

2.S will certainly not follow X

3.Each syllable will include a vowel

4. I precede E, except following C.

5. Use -CK following a petite vowel.

6.End the words with 1-syllable with 2 Ls and Fs.

7.Normally, the 1-Syllable Words end with 2 S's.

8.Prefixes do not alter the spelling of the words.

"Never think that these rules will apply all over. No, they will not. They are just the basic rules of spelling within the English language. There will be a host of words that will bely these rules. So, now it is time for you to observe the common words. In just the previous blog, where we were discussing the aesthetics of vocabulary build-up, I had given you a work methodology for 50 days. Well, that will also prove a miracle in learning and improving your spelling forever. This is because that methodology demanded writing the words and their meanings on a piece of paper. After 5o days of regular writing, you are sure to enhance your spelling dramatically.

"Moreover reading regularly will make you face words that you might have seen for the first time. The more you read, the more familiar you become with the words in the sentences. If you go through the articles, blogs, and columns of editors, you will notice that they use words that are in general use. So, it is not important to know all the words in the English dictionary. Rather, you must know the general words that are used in everyday use. This, you will gather from those 50 days of the work methodology that I have prescribed in the previous blog.

Using mnemonics, word origins and multi-sensory approaches will not work. Instead, it is a good idea to relate the spellings of the words with their sound. Indeed, this will not help always but you will succeed most of the time. Also, reading aloud the spellings of the words that you encounter every day is a very good way to keep them in your long-term memory. English is an international language and you will require it all throughout your professional career. So, why wait? Start immediately following the methodology of the previous blog on vocabulary and you are on your way to improving your spelling in a very short time.

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